This week the American Veterinary Medical Association is sponsoring an official Check the Chip Day to remind all of us who are guardians for companion animals to be sure the microchips that would help return our furry friends to us, if lost, are working.
We have "Check the Microchip" at the top of our list of information and questions we bring to every visit with our veterinarian. Poppy is due for her annual check up and we'll have Courtney, her lovely vet tech, check to see that her chip is working at the start of the visit.
This is also an opportunity to write down that ID number in case you need it to update your contact information.
Think about anything else that may have changed over the past year that might require an update on the registration form for that chip and make the changes needed with your registry. If you can't remember which it is, your vet can tell you that from the ID number.
Here's a video that will help you understand how microchips are inserted into an animal, how they work, and why each animal that could escape from your home should have one. Did you know that your vet can even microchip your birds?
The Animal Rescue League of Boston is having an August special to encourage you to get those microchips in place. There is also more information about the topic at their link below.
Special monthly offer August 2015 – 25% off your pet’s microchip!
Get to know all of our Sunday Dogs at Boston Dogs.
Thanks to everyone who Hops over to Amazon from here to do their shopping. We appreciate your support.
Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photos: Courtesy of American Veterinary Medical Association