"A bee is never as busy as it seems; it's just that it can't buzz any slower."
Kin Hubbard (American Journalist, 1868-1930)
Does this bee from the Copley Square Farmers' Market bring a dose of sunshine to a winter week? It is here to tell you about a new BostonZest feature, "Shoot the Quote."
One of our regular assignments is to provide a front page photo for the Back Bay Sun. While these are often related to an event or have a caption that describes the people in the photo, sometimes they are simply a picture we love with a quotation. Here's an example.

“Sailing a boat calls for quick action, a blending of feeling with the wind and water as well as with the very heart and soul of the boat itself. Sailing teaches alertness and courage, and gives in return a joyousness and peace that but few sports afford.” George Matthew Adams (American newspaper columnist, 1878 – 1962)
Some week's, like in the case of the sailing photo above, we take a photo and then find a quote that fits it. Other times we have a quotation we love and we go out and, "shoot the quote." That is, we try to take a photograph that fits that quotation.
Here's an example of a quotation that we had and took a photo to express it.

“How softly summer shuts, without the creaking of a door.” Emily Dickinson (American poet 1830-1886)
Want to Play Along?
Now we're going to play shoot the quote with any of our readers who would like to join in. You can make this a private challenge that will have you looking at the world around you through a different lens.
Or you can play officially and send us a link to the photo, post it on your own internet space, or you can add it to our Flickr Group. We hope to post or link to some results with the photographers' permission.
Here's the first quotation we'll be shooting and we hope some of you will join us and share your interpretation of these words.
"Shadow owes its birth to light."
John Gay (English Poet 1685-1732)
So pull out that phone or stalk the words with your favorite camera and shoot that quote.
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photography: © 2014 Penny & Ed Cherubino