Tender, vibrant, local, young ginger from Old Friends Farm in Amherst, MA is back at the Copley Square Farmers Market.
This lovely pile of ginger was photographed at the Atlas Farm stand along St. James Avenue. The Atlas folks bring a few products from their neighboring farm, Old Friends, on Tuesdays and Fridays until Thanksgiving.
What is it about this ginger that makes it worth the price and makes me buy enough to freeze and use during the months when it is not available?
First, there is that love that is part of the sign at the market. I've known farmer Casey Steinberg for years and knowing him, I believe this ginger is grown with love and care. I know it's organic and fresh and grown with as light a footprint as his team can use.
I know that this young ginger is tender and bursting with ginger heat. I don't bother to peel it, no need. I just grab a microplane and grate what I need.
Unlike its supermarket counterpart, this ginger is highly perishable. Old Friends has a page of tips on how to store and use this special ginger product.
Stop by the market and pick up a hand to try this ginger in your favorite stir fry. You won't want to go back to the ordinary. You may even decide to use it in different ways. Then, like me, you'll set aside room in your freezer for a supply of your favorite, local, young, organic ginger.
Ginger Syrup, Too
We told you another aspect of this ginger story in our post: Old Friends Farm Organic Ginger Syrup. While you can make your own version with their ginger, it is so much easier to stock up on a few bottles to get you through the winter.
What's on your Food Lover's shopping list?
Words: Penny Cherubino
Photos: ©2014-2015 Penny Cherubino