Our Friday Link is to a Grub Street article with the long title "The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right."
The subtitle is "Mark Bittman and doctor David L. Katz patiently answer pretty much every question we could think of about healthy food."
Where We Found It
The great folks at Boston Organics shared the link to this on their Facebook page. They not only deliver food that helps us eat right, but also work hard to educate us about the topic and support local, sustainable, and healthy foodways.
Why We Recommend That You Spend Some Time with This Long Read
We've both spent a lot of time reading and writing about food and health over the past few years as a part of our own effort to improve our lives. We find a lot of nonsense that gets passed off as fact and a lot of great information that is difficult to understand and digest. These two men have found that great middle ground of giving you the guidance you need to make better choices with a touch of humor and great clear writing.
What They Say:
The subhead says it all, "Mark Bittman and doctor David L. Katz patiently answer pretty much every question we could think of about healthy food." That's why it is such a long scroll.
Here are three favorite quotes to give you a flavor of the piece:
"What should I care about on nutrition labels? Calories, fat grams, or sugar grams?
The best foods don’t even have labels, because they are just one ingredient: avocado, lentils, blueberries, broccoli, almonds, etc.""What about avocados? Are they bad for you or good for you? Everyone says they’re full of fat, but that it’s 'good' fat.
Think of avocados as you do nuts: They’re 'good for you' but with limits. One a day is certainly fine. Their nutrient profile is great, with fat that’s a lot like the fat in olives."On beans and farting: "Given the prevalence of heart disease associated with poor diets in the U.S., we say bring on the beans! (And, as far as farting is concerned, anecdotally at least, the more frequently you eat beans the better your gut tolerates them.)"
We suggest you keep a link to this piece on your phone and read a bit as you sit and wait for something – especially an appointment with a doctor – or when you are waiting for a prescription to be filled. Who knows, with this information you might see less of the doctor and need fewer medications, that's how healthier eating worked for us.
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Screengrab Courtesy of Grub Street
Photography: © 2018 Penny & Ed Cherubino