What's open in Boston on Thanksgiving, Thursday November 26, 2015? What's closed?
Do I have to feed the parking meters? What about street sweeping? Are the liquor stores and packies open? When do I put out my trash? And, what changes are there to the MBTA schedules?
We have the answers for you, all organized in one post that we'll update as new information comes our way.
Here's a rundown of what's open in Boston on Thanksgiving 2015.
We post these rundowns early, when we notice our readers looking for the information on older posts. Because it's early, we will update as new information is announced. So, bookmark this page and check back. We'll send out notice of updates on Twitter.
Restaurants, bars: Many will be open, check for special hours and menus. Here's our post on Where to Dine Out on Thanksgiving.
Convenience stores: Many are open, check for special hours
Supermarkets: Closed due to Massachusetts "Blue Laws"
Retail stores: Closed due to Massachusetts "Blue Laws"
Liquor stores: Closed due to Massachusetts "Blue Laws"
Financial Services: As the British would say, this is a Bank Holiday with both banks and the stock markets in the United State closed. International markets are open.
City, Town, State, and Federal offices and facilities are closed: This includes schools, libraries, and the Postal Service. Only emergency services are available.
Parking & Street Sweeping
Boston Parking: You don't have to feed the meters. Other parking rules apply.
Street Sweeping: The city says, "Daytime street sweeping is suspended on city holidays, but nighttime sweeping schedules remain in effect. Constituents are advised to call 617-635-4500 for exact details."
Trash Collection & Recycling
Boston Trash Collection for Thanksgiving week – The city has changed the way it publishes the schedule for holidays so that you now have to go to the city site and look up your specific address in order to get information.
UPDATE 11/20/15: Check your trash pick up schedule. There are changes. For example, the city sent out a neighborhood notice that there will be no pick up in the Back Bay on Thanksgiving. This is a new reduction in service.
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MBTA Schedule Changes Updated 11/20/15
The MBTA has published their Thanksgiving schedule. Here is the link to the MBTA schedule changes for holidays. This link will change sometime before and after the holiday. We have created a PDF version of the page for the weekend that you can download if you wish.
Download MBTA Thanksgiving Update 2015
Here's a quick summary, of the highlights.
- Wednesday November 25th will have normal Wednesday subway, bus, and Commuter Rail schedules with extra Silver Line service to and from Logan Airport.
- Thanksgiving November 26th will have subways including the Silver Line on a Sunday schedule. Buses will run on a Sunday schedule with some routes not operating. Commuter Rail will run on a Sunday Schedule so some routes will not operate.
- Friday November 27th will have the Red, Orange, and Blue lines on a Friday Schedule and the Green Line on a Saturday Schedule. The Silver line will have extra service. Commuter Rail will run on a Friday schedule.
For further information, check with the MBTA Customer Communications Department at 617-222-3200, TTY 617-222-5146, or visit them at: www.mbta.com.
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photography: iStockphoto