You know we don't approve of dogs "Off the Leash" unless it happens to be in comic form from Rupert Fawcett.
I can't count the number of times I've forwarded a link to one of the cartoons by the artist who really understands dogs and the people who love them. Or, how many times I've recognized one of our dogs in his work, despite the fact that he calls them by other names.
Go take a look and subscribe to follow along for a steady diet of chuckles, smiles, and a few downright belly laughs. And, if you'd like a print copy for yourself or to give to a dog-lover, here is Rupert Fawcett's author page on Amazon.
Get to know all of our Sunday Dogs at Boston Dogs.
Thanks to everyone who Hops over to Amazon from here to do their shopping. We appreciate your support.
Words: Penny Cherubino
Photography: © 2015 Penny & Ed Cherubino