Notice the buds on the trees as you look up this week to avoid falling icicles and snow slides. Most years, we begin our hunt for the first signs of spring in gardens on the sunny side of Boston streets just after Valentine's Day.
"That is one good thing about this world... there are always sure to be more springs."
Lucy Maud Montgomery (Canadian writer and educator, 1874-1942)
Last year, things bloomed late, just as they will this year. But, these snowdrops were up by mid-March.
With so much snow to melt, the witch hazel may be our first sign of spring this time next month.
Then, in a few more weeks, we'll have lovely magnolias blooming along Commonwealth Avenue.
The snow will melt, and spring will arrive within just a few weeks.
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photography: © 2013-2015 Penny & Ed Cherubino