When is it time for a treat? Well, since it’s officially November and the holiday season is almost here, we were thinking … why not, now?
It’s never too early to prepare for the festive times ahead. And, what better way to get in the mood than by uncorking an exceptional sparkler.
Anytime we think “special wine,” we look to recommendations from people we’ve come to trust. In this case, seeing the name Terry Theise on a bottle of Champagne at the wine shop meant this H. Billiot Fils Brut Rosé was coming home with us.
It should be said that, although Theise is nothing short of a wine savant, we always advise anyone looking for helpful suggestions to make their own list of importers. And, Terry Theise is a great place to start.
He reminds us that, “Billiots are not filtered …” And that, “Billiot lifts you up on a billowing fountain of fruit. Her wines have marvelous stamina and brightness. They’re hedonistic but not sloppy.”
Penny found the first sniff of the Brut Rosé to be “Dry, stern on the nose, but it took a friendlier turn on the tongue.” Ed described, “Vibrant but not overpowering fruit that was balanced and (in the full British sense of the word) lovely!”
We enjoyed the Champagne with goat cheese, onion jam, and Provencal olives. It also matched well with olive oil crackers.
It was also spectacular all by itself as we lingered over every last drop.
We found our bottle of Champagne H. Billiot Fils Champagne Brut Rosé at Gordon’s Fine Wines & Liquors in Waltham ($54.30 after 15% case discount) – a November treat we will likely repeat for the holidays or perhaps even sooner.
Here’s how a New Year’s Toast became “Our Sparkling Resolution”
Our Sparkling Resolution Winner’s List
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photography: © 2014 Penny & Ed Cherubino