It's the season to enjoy local tomatoes in New England. I'm carrying home bags of them from the farmers' markets but I know some of you are fortunate enought to have them in your own gardens.
Last week, in response to a question, I shared a few of the posts we have in our archives with a small group of online friends. One of them said I should post the same information on BostonZest. Good idea! Here it is.
My First tip is to buy what you will use quickly and shop for them often while they are in season. Once you have them home, here's the:
Best Way to Store Tomatoes via The Kitchn
They agree with me that tomotoes should not be refrigerated.
Even If You Don't Cook
Sandwiches & More - Bread and tomatoes are perfect companions. You can make a real locavore BLT sandwich with a visit to the farmers’ market. Gather francese bread from Iggy’s, bacon from Stillman’s, tomatoes and lettuce from Silverbrook, and you have the makings of a great sandwich.
If you only have scraps and leftovers around the kitchen, get creative. Here's what I did one evening.
Practice Your Knife Skills
Over at The Kitchn, they posted this piece to help you cut those tomatoes to perfection.
Three Essential Tips for cutting Tomatoes-Tips from The Kitchn
Once you master cutting, you can move on to our posts:
Farmers' Market Pasta from Our Archives
And, if this is not enough:
More tomato mania from The Kitchn…
And even more, a round up of their tomato week.
Finally, while we're on the topic of fresh & local:
Here are more of our Local Food/Farmers' Market posts.
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photos: ©2014 Penny & Ed Cherubino