Not long ago, Zoey was saved from a last stop shelter in Arkansas and given a new life in Boston. Now, at about 14 months old, this charming little Dachshund is settling into her city home with ease. And, that means exploring, sniffing, and tasting every bit of her world!
“She’s a goat,” her person told us. “Anything that falls on the floor she’ll eat … all the sticks, acorns from the squirrels – she loves to eat!” Of course, when you’re a growing puppy, it’s behavior often seen as a right of passage, a way of testing boundaries, and learning about your surroundings.
And, for Zoey, learning also means “training!” This very bright, little hound is currently attending Good Manners Class at the Animal Rescue League.
How’s she doing? We were told, that when the trainer walks her around, she is perfectly obedient, but when the leash comes back to her regular companion, Zoey steals everyone’s treats because she’s food driven. "She passes, but I fail," her friend told us.
Hmm … sounds familiar to us. We know that with our feisty little Poppy there’s a lot of 2-legged training to be done on the other end of any leash. Teamwork will win out in the end.
Heel, Zoey! And, thanks for being this week’s Sunday Dog.
Get to know all of our Sunday Dogs at Boston Dogs.
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photography: © 2013 Penny & Ed Cherubino
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