We love the Courtyard at the Boston Public Library (BPL) any time of the year. But when this beautiful space is filled with music, it is magical. Once again this year, there will be a full summer of free, lunchtime concerts. And, it all begins next week, so mark your calendars!
The great sounds start at 12:30 pm on Friday afternoons from June 7th to August 30th. If the weather turns bad, performances will be moved inside to Rabb Lecture Hall, located on the lower level of the Johnson Building.
As longtime fans of Brazilian Jazz, we are especially looking forward to the Fernando Holz Band on August 2nd. With music ranging "from jazz to classical and from folk to funk," you're sure to find a lot to like on Friday afternoons.
Here's a link to the Full Schedule.
So, go visit a food truck or pick up a bite at the farmers' market and enjoy BPL Courtyard Concerts along with your lunch on Fridays this summer.
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photography: © 2013 Penny & Ed Cherubino
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