Dear Duchess Poppy,
The people I live with read that February is Doggie Dental Month, or something like that, and now they keep coming at me with silly sticks with brushes on the end. Do I have to put up with this? Should I let these humans clean my canines?
Dear Chomper,
As you can see from the photograph of moi above, I've trained my retainers to polish my pearly whites twice a day! I started this training the day I arrived here, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Who wants fuzzy teeth???
And, as much as I love my dear veterinarian team, I don't want to visit them too often. Do you have any idea how many presents I could have for the cost of one dental cleaning at the vets? Brushing means more money to spend on travel and jewelry!
I've had my research team post a video (below) for you to review and pass on to your servants.
Yours truly,
Poppy, Duchess of Whitehead
February is National Pet Dental Month
Have your family take 5 minutes to watch this video on why they should brush your teeth and how to do it.
Editor's Note: Among Poppy's fan mail are occasional requests for advice from her canine and feline friends. She has agreed to answer a few of them in our Sunday Dog Spot. Add your questions in the comments below or send Poppy an email.
Get to know all of our Sunday Dogs at Boston Dogs.
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Words: Dutchess Poppy Whitehead as dictated to her assistant Penny Cherubino
Photography: © 2013 Penny Cherubino