Of all the Sunday Dogs we’ve featured, Kobe is the first (as far as we know) who can crawl on command! Now we realize that Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are very bright, but this little one is only four months old!
It’s also worth mentioning that despite his tender age, Kobe holds down a full-time job! This inspiring overachiever works locally at Google– a company that obviously values a canine point of view. When Kobe’s at the office, he mostly assists when needed which often means there’s a lot of downtime to fill.
Besides his superior learning skills, Kobe also excels in other ways. This happy, inquisitive ball of energy is already building quite a reputation for himself as an all-around friendly guy.
Getting to know the neighbors his high on his to-do list. Kobe loves all dogs and their four-legged companions too!
As tongues go, we were fascinated by Kobe’s– has to be great for scooping up water!
We learned that Kobe can’t get enough soft, squeaky toys and who can blame him! He also likes to gnaw on bully sticks.
Puppies don’t come any cuter than Kobe and we’re looking forward to watching him grow. And, we can’t wait to see what trick he masters next!
Get to know all of our Sunday Dogs at Boston Dogs.
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photography: © 2012 Penny & Ed Cherubino
Kobe & Jenny at the Office: courtesy of Jenny Kelemen
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