Just as you might require further tests after a medical procedure, there is a Boston landmark park getting a follow-up health exam of its own. So, how’s the patient doing?
After undergoing a thorough air spading one year ago, a block of the Commonwealth Avenue Mall is beginning to show signs of recovery.
We had a chance to follow arborist Chuck Sherzi Jr., this spring, as he performed a series of tests to assess the health of this historic park between Mass Ave & Hereford Street. (map)
(Once the video starts, you can select the HD video option for higher quality viewing.)
Using Cornell University’s Soil Health Assessment guidelines, Sherzi demonstrated how he checks the physical, chemical, and biological condition of the soil with special emphasis on compaction– a major threat to this area. He stressed the need for turf management that includes: irrigation, mowing, reseeding, aerating, and a yearly top-dressing with compost, to help minimize the problem.
As we await analysis of all the data gathered, Sherzi told us he was encouraged by what he’d found during his day of testing. And, what’s more, he said results from this demonstration project will benefit not only parks like this, “but also smaller spaces, the backyard garden, commercial sites, among others.”
For a look at how this pilot restoration effort began, see the first video in this series: Air Spading a Boston Landmark.
If you are a serious gardener, parks advocate, or farmer, here are links to download copies of two publications that Chuck Sherzi recommends:
The Cornell Soil Health Assessment Training Manual
Building Soils for Better Crops: Sustainable Soil Management
To donate to this project or for more information, click this link to: Send an email to the Commonwealth Avenue Mall Committee @[email protected].
The Commonwealth Avenue Mall Committee is a joint effort of the Friends of the Public Garden and the Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay.
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Words: Penny & Ed Cherubino
Photography: © 2012 Penny Cherubino
Videography: © 2012 Ed Cherubino
Written, Produced, and Narrated by Ed Cherubino
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