We have a couple of cool drink ideas to welcome summer to Boston. My favorite is sparkling water with a squirt of lime and a dash of bitters. As soon as the Angostura Bitters shortage was over, I stocked up for the summer season.
I drink this year round and love the flavor and the way it clears my palate. It has a way of ridding you of that sticky mouth feeling you get in hot weather.
Thanks go to Steve Johnson at Rendezvous Central Square for my other favorite summer refresher. When they first opened, they served water flavored with cucumber. As you can see in the photo above, it even looks cool and fresh.
I prefer sparkling water but you can do it with still. Slice a cucumber or peel ribbons of it with a peeler as shown here. Leave the cucumber in the water until it has the level of flavor you like. You can make it by the carafe or glass.
If you do it with slices of cucumber, you should figure out whether you like the flavor the seeds add to the mix. Some people do, some don't.
If you have a favorite summer sipper that you'd like to share, add it in a comment below.
Amazon has some cool summer items and if you shop from here, by clicking on any Amazon ad, you support BostonZest.com and keep good tips coming your way.
Writer: Penny Cherubino
Photo: © 2008 Penny Cherubino