Photo © 2007. Mick Timony, all rights reserved
(Editor's note: We're proud to feature this photo by BostonZest contributor, Mick Timony.
We asked Mick to tell our readers how his photo came to be on a holiday card that will support Pine Street Inn when you purchase it.
And, as Mick suggests, this is certainly a year when we should all try to spend our holiday cash where it will do the most good.)
How This Photo Became a Holiday Card to Support Pine Street Inn
by Mick Timony
I took this photograph on a Saturday in December. It was one of those cold crisp days, and Liz and I were taking the dogs out for a walk before the sun set and it got dark. We crossed the street, and I realized how beautiful the sunset was and I dashed back home to get my camera (an aging Canon s200).
This is either the first, or second photograph I took of the sunset and it got dark quickly after this any other pics I took are much darker and not as good. I didn't realize how good the photograph turned out until I copied it over to my PC and viewed it on a full sized screen, and how well it captured the colours and the lights on that chill winter's evening.
This pic is on flickr and has attracted over 6,000 views. A friend suggested I enter it into the Boston Globe's 2008 Winter Wonderland contest where it came in 24th. Someone at the Pine Street Inn saw it and thought it would make a good greeting card to help them raise funds.
The Globe e-mailed me, said the Inn was interested, and gave me the contact info of Jocelyn at the Inn. I didn't hesitate in letting them use my photograph for their cards. Most nights when I walk my dogs I see the Pine Street Inn van on Commonwealth Avenue helping and feeding the homeless, and trying to convince them to come in out of the cold or the rain.
There are a considerable number of homeless in the city, and with the current economic problems there will probably be more people on the streets this winter and less money donated. I think that every additional penny the Pine Street Inn can get will be well needed and used this winter. I am more than happy to be able to help them, with a photograph that took me a few moments to take that may end up helping to save someone's life this winter
Direct link to purchase the card on the Pine Street Inn site.
Links to a copy of the photograph on flickr and to a copy on the are at: